Student Solution


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1 Subject

Discussion 1_Roots of Contemporary Issue

Discussion 1_Roots of Contemporary Issue

Q choose 1-2 specific historical examples and explore the questions of: how have humans caused environmental change? what kinds of changes have taken place, and when? The goal with this question is to use concrete historical examples to make your case. Be sure to include things like specific time periods, geographies, or results. How has the shift from renewable energy forms to what Timothy Mitchell calls "buried sunshine" transformed human political organization? When, where, and how did this industrial "revolution" unfold?

Q Finally, given what you now know about the historical roots of climate change, why is it so political today

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Humans have been the reason for the environmental change to a great extent. They have produced so many technologies to ease the lives of the people but in return they made people live in an environment full of population and fear of death someday because of these unpredictable changes in the environment. Two things that human did to bring about change in the climate are first is burning of fossil fuels that leads to carbon monoxide that depletes ozone layer and we feel extra heat these days.